Thursday, 29 September 2011

Children and Post Birthday Elation

Yesterday we celebrated my daughter's 5th birthday. It was a beautiful picnic/bbq party by a lake and it turned out marvelously.   I am happy because the birthday girl had fun with cousins and friends, but importantly she realises just how many people there are in our world who love her. It feels nice to know that you can invite all these people to a party and they turn up (with gifts -- a bonus!).  

After two days of cooking and shopping for party food I can happily declare that I am glad that her birthday is over for another year. I am exhausted. So exhausted I even forgot today was Monday and she needed to go to her swimming lesson. But in reflection, I now realise that it's okay that we missed the lesson because we all needed to have a day at home to chill, play with new toys, sleep, post a new blog, and get back into the routine of daily life with children. 

Here's a picture of the birthday cake:

My 5 year old is obsessed with Ben 10, so of course, on asking her what theme cake she would like for her birthday, she responded with "BEN 10 PLEASE!!!".  So here is an interpretation of Ben 10's Omnitrix.   All the sweat, and some tears, was worth it.  My husband had to intervene towards the end of the icing because I was on the verge of going nuts trying to get the correct colour for the butter icing. My superb man took over, and finished off the designing of the icing and decorations --end result is not bad at all! He saved the day. It tasted delicious, and the birthday girl LOVED IT.


Gustav Klimt
But I am thoroughly enjoying the day at home, listening to Angus & Julia Stone, whilst pottering about.  Their music is perfect for the mood I'm in, that is, soulful, sultry and dreamy. Angus & Julia Stone's music is poetry set to music and it's magnificent. Their music is just perfect even when  I have to deal with a teething crying baby who is so restless.  

This beautiful Gustav Klimt image feels me with joy -- as a mother, this is how I feel about my children. It's  gorgeous and it reminds me of just how precious my little darlings are to me.  Klimt has captured the connection of mother & child; it seems like they are blending into one but still remain as individuals nestled into each other's core.  It's a very peaceful image to me and I love that they have skin to skin contact because it emphasises the mortality of our physical being, the child listening to the heart beat of the mother (her rhythm of life), whilst baby rests on her naked breast (representing the food of life),  and the mother at peace with her sleeping child.

Next on the list is to do some crafting --- yes, finally!
I AM going to finish the cot quilt for my nephew which was begun a more than year a ago (when he was born) -- but a lot has happened since then -- most importantly, I've had a new addition to my family -- a daughter who is now 9 months old -- so I guess it's the best excuse not to be up-to-date with my craft.  I'm at the quilting stage, so I'm very close to finished.  Yay!
Here it is as it stands at the moment:
oscar's quilt - a close up
oscar's quilt
I enjoy quilt making. I love giving them as gifts too. I'm sure this one will be appreciated by my nephew Oscar and his parents too. 

Signing off for now. Back to domestic reality. 


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